Ancestors of Douglas Kent
Ancestors of Sharon Lee
Anderson Rytting
Descendants of Rudolph
and Phoebe Rytting
Descendants of Verl and Madge Anderson
For a complete Rytting
PAF 5.2 and GEDCOM file please download
These files contain over 11,000 names and some lines go back 25 generations.
Last updated 9 August 2010
(After opening the zip file,
double click the rytting.paf file.
This will automatically
start the PAF 5.2 program. Or you may use the GEDCOM file.)
For a complete Anderson PAF
5.2 and GEDCOM file please download
files were created by Marchelle Neilsen.
updated 9 August 2010
(After opening the zip file, double click the anderson.paf file.
This will automatically
start the PAF 5.2 program. Or you may use the GEDCOM file.)
A free copy of the PAF 5.2 program can be obtained at the Family Search Genealogy Site
Rytting Line Histories
Doug Rytting
Personal History Audio
Rudolph and Phoebe Rytting
Phoebe Rytting
Memories by Alta Rytting Johnson
Charles F Rytting Book
(includes ancestors & descendants)
Charles F Rytting
Short History
Emma Millward Rytting Short History
Charles F Rytting
Short Stories
Anderson Line Histories
Madge Earl Anderson History Video
Madge Earl Anderson Funeral Presentation
Madge Earl Anderson Funeral Audio
Earl Anderson
Voice Mail to Sharon
Sarah Ellen Hunsaker Anderson History
Eli and Ella Anderson Memories by
Sharon Anderson Rytting
Jorgen and Marie Andreasen
Hans and Marie Jorgensen History
Casper and Dorthea
Hansen History
Abraham Hunsaker Book
(includes ancestors & descendants)
Stone Line Histories
Robert Roberts History in Wales
Earl Line Histories
Francillo Durfey Junior History
Durfey Senior by Sharon Anderson
John and Rheumina Earl